Cross-border initiative for integrated health and social services promoting safe ageing, early prevention and independent living for all

Acronym Cross4all
Website Not implemented yet
Priority axis Development and Support of Local Economy
Specific Objective Improvement of preventive health care and social services of children and elderly population
Call 1st Call for Project Proposals
Start date April 2, 2018
Lead Partner Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Special Account for Research Funds- Department of Medicine
Partners University of St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola - Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
National Confederation of Disabled People (NCDP), Branch of Northern Greece
Municipality of Ohrid
Municipality of Neapoli-Sykies
Institute for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases St. Stefan Ohrid
Budget 1.145.290,00 €
Today, due to a number of reasons, significant parts of the population living in the Programme area, especially poor people, persons with disabilities and chronic conditions, suffer from low access to health and social services.
Cross4all is a joint initiative towards the establishment of inclusive health and social services, free of accessibility barriers, with particular focus on improving the management and cross-border use of the health and medical data of disadvantaged and high-risk citizens.
Overall, the project aims at increasing the number of people that access high quality health and social services in the cross-border area, thus promoting safe ageing, early prevention, and independent living for all.

In this challenging context, the Project Cross4all has the objectives to:
- foster health literacy and digital health literacy;
- design and put in place innovative practices for tackling health inequalities and improving access for all;
- establish new mechanisms focused on the conditions of poverty, and services of comfort at home;
- unblock their potential in offering care services to those most in need;
- promote joint strategies for developing integrated health and social care sans frontiers.
In particular, the project will:
- study gaps and inequalities across the CB area, and design joint strategies for addressing the needs of vulnerable and special groups;
- develop an innovative prototype cloud platform and a mobile app for improving the access to specialised healthcare and social care services across the CB area (information, services, training, tele-monitoring), both for citizens and medical tourists;
- conduct pilot interconnection of the cloud platform with new and existing eHealth apps and services (ePrescription, eReferral, EHR, etc.);
- design specific pilots within the municipalities of Ohrid and of Neapolis-Sykies, for offering preventive health and support, including health services at home in rural areas through multidisciplinary and specially equipped Mobile Units;
- deliver workshops and seminars to increase the capacity of health and social care professionals and citizens across the CB.


Communication plan 

Cross4all Case study presented at the Programme's COM seminar (July 2019)
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