National Confederation of Disabled People (NCDP), Branch of Northern Greece
Country | Greece | |
The National Confederation of Disabled People (N.C.D.P.) is an umbrella organization representing the disability movement of Greece. The N.C.D.P., which is a non-profit legal entity, was founded in 1989 by organizations of people with disabilities and their families in order to copy with issues of common interest related to any kind of disability and therefore, is a strong, independent representative body for all disabled people in the Greek state. It has more than 450 member-organizations that deal with all kinds of disabilities.
The Confederation is administrated by people with disabilities and the parents of those who are unable to represent themselves. Its structure and organization is based on respect towards all kinds of disability.
The N.C.D.P. of Greece has officially been recognized as the national partner of the Greek State dealing with disability issues, promoting policies so that those concerned are included socially, economically and politically in the everyday life of the country.
The N.C.D.P.’s mission is to combat discrimination against people with disabilities and protect their constitutional and human rights as well as the rights of their families. Its goal is the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all areas of life, including the area of employment.
At a national level, as the most representative organization for people with disabilities and their families, the N.C.D.P. participates actively in decision-making and stands for people with disabilities in the dialogue with the Greek State. It is organizing strategies, controlling the implementation of legal measures and makes suggestions to the Greek State regarding education, lifelong learning, employment, Information Society and accessibility issues. Also, one of the main activities of the Confederation is the coordination of the actions of its member organizations not only in national level but also in regional and local level.
The Confederation aims to put disability in a political framework emphasizing its political and social dimensions. For the N.C.D.P., the political action taken by the Greek State should include the model of human rights for disability that describes disability rather as a social issue. Any restriction for people with disabilities should not be considered a consequence of their physical or mental incapability but a consequence of society’s incapability to understand the needs of people with disabilities. Thus, last years the N.C.D.P. has been worked very hard for the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Convection on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which was ratified by the Greek State in 2012 (Greek Law 4074/2012). Concluding that accessibility and employment play crucial role in the social inclusion of persons with disabilities, the N.C.D.P. has given emphasis on the implementation of the article 9 “Accessibility” and 27 “Work and Employment” in national level.
The N.C.D.P. has a service – which is called “Claiming Together” – through which persons with disabilities can easily have access (via telephone calls or emails) to information regarding employment, social protection, social security and so many other issues etc. The N.C.D.P. also has an advocacy service which supports persons with disabilities in case they might face problems in the employment area.
The N.C.D.P. is a founding member of the European Disability Forum (E.D.F), which is the umbrella organization of persons with disabilities and their families in European Level. The European Disability Forum deals with disability issues in the European Union (EU) and represents disabled people in their dialogue with the EU public authorities.
The Confederation is administrated by people with disabilities and the parents of those who are unable to represent themselves. Its structure and organization is based on respect towards all kinds of disability.
The N.C.D.P. of Greece has officially been recognized as the national partner of the Greek State dealing with disability issues, promoting policies so that those concerned are included socially, economically and politically in the everyday life of the country.
The N.C.D.P.’s mission is to combat discrimination against people with disabilities and protect their constitutional and human rights as well as the rights of their families. Its goal is the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all areas of life, including the area of employment.
At a national level, as the most representative organization for people with disabilities and their families, the N.C.D.P. participates actively in decision-making and stands for people with disabilities in the dialogue with the Greek State. It is organizing strategies, controlling the implementation of legal measures and makes suggestions to the Greek State regarding education, lifelong learning, employment, Information Society and accessibility issues. Also, one of the main activities of the Confederation is the coordination of the actions of its member organizations not only in national level but also in regional and local level.
The Confederation aims to put disability in a political framework emphasizing its political and social dimensions. For the N.C.D.P., the political action taken by the Greek State should include the model of human rights for disability that describes disability rather as a social issue. Any restriction for people with disabilities should not be considered a consequence of their physical or mental incapability but a consequence of society’s incapability to understand the needs of people with disabilities. Thus, last years the N.C.D.P. has been worked very hard for the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Convection on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which was ratified by the Greek State in 2012 (Greek Law 4074/2012). Concluding that accessibility and employment play crucial role in the social inclusion of persons with disabilities, the N.C.D.P. has given emphasis on the implementation of the article 9 “Accessibility” and 27 “Work and Employment” in national level.
The N.C.D.P. has a service – which is called “Claiming Together” – through which persons with disabilities can easily have access (via telephone calls or emails) to information regarding employment, social protection, social security and so many other issues etc. The N.C.D.P. also has an advocacy service which supports persons with disabilities in case they might face problems in the employment area.
The N.C.D.P. is a founding member of the European Disability Forum (E.D.F), which is the umbrella organization of persons with disabilities and their families in European Level. The European Disability Forum deals with disability issues in the European Union (EU) and represents disabled people in their dialogue with the EU public authorities.
Projects involved as partner
1) Cross4all