Works contract for Construction of Co-living & Co-working Centre in Nizhepole, Bitola in INNO-ECOSYSTEM project
Apr 06, 2023
Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development “PREDA PLUS” Bitola intends to award a work contract for Construction of Co-living & Co-working Centre in Nizhepole, Bitola with financial assistance from the INTERREG IPA CBC Programme "Greece- Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020". The tender dossier is available at PREDA PLUS Office, Kuzman Josifovski 88/4, Bitola and as well published for downloading on our website.
The deadline for submission of offers is 05.06.2023.
Site visit is scheduled for 25.04.2023, 12:00 pm.
The deadline for submission of offers is 05.06.2023.
Site visit is scheduled for 25.04.2023, 12:00 pm.