State Environmental Inspectorate


Republic of North Macedonia

State Environmental Inspectorate-SEI (PP3, is in charge for conducting inspections and adopting enforcement measures for the purpose of protection of air quality, inland waters and water basins, soil, degradation and pollution of protected flora and fauna, protection of biodiversity, protection of geodiversity and natural resources. It is also responsible for areas protected by law (national parks, monuments of nature, forest park, ornithological reserves etc.), the protection of the ozone layer, protection from harmful noise in the environment and the protection of ionizing radiation and promoting Environmental Policies.
PP3 was established by the Ministry of Environmental & Physical Planning and at the moment is the independent responsible body with own budget, and thus has the experience, financial and operation capacity to support the project. PP3 is participating in various EU networks (IMPEL, THEMIS, INECE, EUPOL-Envicrimenet, EU Green judges and prosecutors…) and projects towards strengthening administrative capacities for the enforcement of environmental legislation and implementing measures to protect the environment. PP3 is an actual administrative tool for influencing local/regional/national policies and communicating these at international level.

Projects involved as partner


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